
06/08/2020 - 14:25

Depuis un certain temps, les pouvoirs locaux disposent d’instruments déterminant la durée de conservation des documents d’archives et des données: les tableaux de tri. Ceux-ci sont élaborés en Flandre par la Région flamande (auparavant par le VVBAD) et en Wallonie par les Archives générales du Royaume.

04/14/2020 - 14:43

Ce mardi 14 avril, les deux associations sœurs que sont l’AAFB et le VVBAD lancent leur projet de plate-forme commune  "Archives de Quarantaine Archief (#AQA)".

04/03/2020 - 15:56

The building that has housed the City of Brussels Archives since 1979 is a typical example of early 20th century commercial architecture. As a result, it has often been used as a location by film cameras.

03/23/2020 - 16:36

Government measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus force many of us to stay at home. As the City Archives Service, we want to try to document this special period to keep track of it for future generations. The Archives of the City of Brussels want to document this special period with the measures regarding the coronavirus.

03/19/2020 - 08:06

In the coming weeks, we will be meeting you on Monday and Thursday on our Facebook page to identify new photos together!

Help us identify or date these photos from our iconographic collection. Please leave your comments or information near the photos concerned.

Big thanks in advance!

02/08/2019 - 13:32

Les Archives de la Ville de Bruxelles ont acquis en 2018 une émouvante correspondance,  témoignage d'une histoire d'amour dans les années 1920, entre Émile Purnode (Winenne 1890-1948 Laeken), commis de l'administration communale de Laeken, et Jeanne Dedecker (Laeken 1901-1979), habitante de la commune (boulevard Emile Bockstael 78).

01/30/2019 - 12:32

Mairie de Bruxelles
Qui est Qui en 1802
d’après le recensement des habitants de la Ville

10/19/2018 - 14:08

The collection of messages laid down in front of the Bourse (Brussels Stock Exchange) of Brussels and near the subway station Maelbeek following the attacks of March 22 2016, joins in the continuity of actions carried out in other places - Paris, London, Madrid, - after similar dramatic events.

06/01/2018 - 15:25

From now on, all the paper research instruments of our archives and collections (inventories, ...) have been digitized and are directly accessible via our online catalogue. This facilitates your research, everything is in one place.

Good research

03/19/2018 - 16:26

Discover the timeline (in french) created by the Archives Service as part of the "2018: Year of Protest" exhibition.

03/06/2018 - 08:28

The Archives Service of the City of Brussels collected the messages left in front of the Bourse and at Maelbeek metro station following the terrorist attacks on 22 March 2016. It also took photographs of the messages written in chalk on the walls of the Bourse and on the ground.